We continue to honor our distributors and this time want to say mazal tov to Arnold Sacks and Alfred Huisman who both turned eighty in January. Our other over eighties are fairly new distributors and did not hesitate to volunteer their services when we approached them (we had no idea of their ages!) May they all continue to keep young and healthy.

Dave Amdur - 86 years

Dave made aliyah in 1965 from Bulawayo in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He had a factory which manufactured parts for tanks. In 1989 he sold the factory and retired. He was always involved in several business projects. He instigated and built the Ramat Hasharon bowling green where he was a very active member and its president for many years. He and his wife, Rae, have three children and ten grandchildren who all live in Israel.

Alfred Huisman - 80 years

Born in Holland, he moved to Canada from where he made aliyah in 1996. He volunteered in the ESRA Second Hand Shop in Raanana for eight years. Now, every Sunday, Alfred volunteers at Beit Juliana, the Dutch old-age home in Herzliya. He and his wife, Marianne, have two children - one in Raanana and the other in Holland. They have ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Rosemarie & Leo Millner - both 83 years

Leo worked as the technical manager for a ready-to-wear family factory in Finland prior to coming on aliyah in 1971. In Israel he used his expertise and worked for a buying office - mainly exporting ready-to-wear clothes to Europe and the USA. Later he established an agency for wood and timber products. Rosemarie was a trained theater sister and volunteered at Hadassah Hospital in Tel Aviv during the Yom Kippur War. She continued there until the hospital closed down. She also volunteered for many years at the hospice at Tel Hashomer. Leo now leads a study group in Judaica for Scandinavian immigrants. They have two children and three grandchildren - one in Finland, one in the USA and one in Israel.

Bernard Natt 88 years

In his memoirs "Growing up in Nazi Germany" Bernard describes his experiences as a child and student in Frankfurt till 1938, then in Holland at Hachshara training camp "Werkdorp Nieuwesluis", then in Amsterdam, thereafter with false papers again in Germany, then in prison and in the concentration camp Auschwitz. In the concentration camp he describes the miserable daily life, always hungry, always in danger of being abused or murdered. He was liberated by the Russians in January 1945. For many years he was ill with tuberculosis at hospitals and sanatoriums in Holland and Switzerland until 1950, when he joined his parents and brother in London.

There he studied structural engineering and worked in a number of construction firms.

In 1950 Bernard made aliyah and worked at Tahal (Tichnun ha Mayim le Israel) and various other firms. He now volunteers and helps with English lessons at the Bar Ilan School in Kfar Saba. He is also kept busy working on the translation of his father's WW I Diary. He and his wife Judith, have three children and six grandchildren.

Esther Reiman 80 years

Esther was born in Germany and survived the Holocaust.  She made aliyah from the USA in 1971. Esther has been volunteering her whole life. In Israel she continued her volunteering in the Cancer Association and is still very active in Emunah. She worked in the Blood Bank of Magen David Adom and until recently she helped at AACI with their bulletin, folding, putting it together and delivering. Esther also helps collecting money for several organizations and volunteers where she can. She has started writing her memoirs which she says are taking a long time. She has three sons - two in Jerusalem and one in New York - and has twelve grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

Arnold Sacks 80 years

Born in Lithuania, Arnold's family moved to South Africa when Arnold was four years old. He came to Israel in 1994. He was a volunteer at Beit Issy Shapiro and was active in Telfed in Netanya. He and his wife, Slava, have three children - one on each continent - Israel, Australia and South Africa. They have ten grandchildren.

Deana Whine 85 years

Deana and her late husband, Bunny, were always involved in volunteering. They belonged to the British Friends of Israeli War Disabled and hosted many soldiers in their home in London. They made aliyah in 1984. They joined ESRA and were magazine distributors and bundle deliverers. Bunny started the ESRA branch in Kfar Saba and was also on the ESRA steering committee. They both volunteered at Beit Levinson and at the home for the mentally retarded in Herzliya. Deana is very involved in the ESRA Raanana Knitting Circle, the Golden Age Club in Herzliya and has also worked in the ESRA Second Hand Shop in Kfar Saba for eight years. She has four grandchildren in Israel and two in London.


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Rika Meyerowitz

Rika Meyerowitz was born in Ficksburg, Orange Free State, South Africa. She was educated at Eunice in Bloemfontein and then at the Teacher’s Training College in Johannesburg. She taught at Ki...

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