“It’s like a river flowing around the rocks in its path”.

“I surrender”. Every time I hear the words, I feel a release. It’s a wondrous gift, a rare opportunity to let life be without resistance.  For most women, especially, control is difficult to relinquish. One needs to understand that some things are beyond our control, we need to let go and stop allowing ourselves to be defeated.

The need for balance is becoming very apparent in this day and age, an age of virtually too much. We seem to have arrived at a time where we eat too much, there is too much information, there is too much noise, people overindulge in many areas of their lives, they are overqualified and too specialized, which results in too much knowledge in one area and not enough in other areas; not enough water, not eating the right kinds of foods. There is no balance.

So, sit down, relax, breathe the air, and think about not leading your life at a breakneck speed to try and achieve the “too muchness”.

Work  toward the state of “balance”.

I hear you saying “it’s too difficult”. But you do want change, don’t you?

You can achieve change incrementally by doing small things each day or week. As reflexologists we see a lot of people in these situations, and they have tried everything by the reflexology stage to achieve a state of wellbeing. As reflexology can assist in achieving this, so too can the advice and correct eating which leads to a point of wellbeing.

You can learn the incredible freedom you can exercise within your life, to take responsibility for your personal health and to be empowered. Nothwithstanding your circumstances or your current state of health, there is always vast energy and healing at your disposal. You do have choices and the ability to administer excellent self-care.

To be empowered is to have a sense of strength and personal control within. More importantly, it means taking full responsibility for your life and no longer blaming others or circumstances for your situation. You may be discontented, overweight or have a serious illness. You may simply want to perk up your health or ensure that you age well. Whatever your situation, you are the driver of your journey and although there are obstacles to confront, reflexology is within your grasp and you have the power to make a rational decision to take charge of your life.

You can achieve a better state of health through food and learn to recognize areas on the feet that will aid you in improved living. Reflexology is also a preventative care and is of great value in getting to know your own personal health parameters.

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