“The Spanish Inquisition sought to punish Jews who had converted to Christianity but were not really ‘sincere’ in their conversions. The Christians began to call converted Jews ‘New Christians’ to distinguish them from the ‘Old Christians’ i.e. themselves. Derogatorily, Jewish converts to Christianity were called conversos meaning ‘converts’, or worse yet, marranos, meaning ‘pigs’.

“Until this day, there exist Christian communities with clear Jewish roots dating back to this time. There are people in the United States as well as in South and Central America, who are descended from Spanish or Portuguese settlers, and who have strange customs they cannot explain. For example, even though they are Catholics, on Friday night they go down to the cellar to light candles. They don’t know the origins of the custom, but they do it. These people are clearly descended from Jews who pretended to be Christians and yet were practicing Jewish rituals in secret.”
Rabbi Ken Spiro, senior lecturer and researcher for Aish HaTorah, Jerusalem

Communities and families of secret Jews have lived throughout the world, in North and South America, in Asia, in Africa and in Europe—even in remote parts of Spain and Portugal. Their descendents—some aware of their Jewish ancestry, others not—can be found in virtually every corner of the earth including, it seems, the Emerald Isle. That was the surprising revelation that emerged recently at an international conference, “The Secret Jews of Ireland”, held at Netanya Academic College. The conference, jointly sponsored by the International Institute for Secret Jews (Anusim) Studies and Casa Shalom Institute for Marrano-Anusim Studies, enthralled a large audience with a state-of-the-art overview of this fascinating but little known subject.

The hazy story of Ireland’s crypto-Jews becomes somewhat clearer when understood within the larger context of Jewish history. Although never comprising a large community, Jews have been finding their way to Ireland and settling there for a very long time. The first historical record of Jews on the island dates from the year 1079 when, according to the Annals of Inisfallen, five Jews “came from over the sea” with gifts for Tairdelbach, King of Munster and grandson of Brian Boru, the previous High King of Ireland. Historians believe that these visitors were likely to have been merchants from Normandy. Whoever they were and from wherever they may have come, these Jews apparently did not sojourn in Ireland for very long. The Annals record that after coming from over the sea and presenting their gifts to the king, “they were sent back again over the sea”. Nearly 100 years later, English accounts mention a certain “Josce Jew of Gloucester” as having financed an expedition from England to Ireland in defiance of a prohibition by King Henry II who forbade the expedition and later fined “Josce” 100 shillings for bankrolling it.

A genuine community appears to have been up and running by 1232 when King Henry III granted Peter de Rivall the office of Treasurer and Chancellor of the Irish Exchequer, supervisor of the king’s coasts and ports, as well as custodian of the “King’s Jews” in Ireland. The grant stipulated that henceforth all Jews in Ireland would be responsible to de Rivall as their “keeper in all things touching the king”. While no direct evidence is known to exist, historians believe that when the Jews were expelled from England in 1290, they probably had to leave Ireland as well.

Jewish people were back in numbers, however, at the end of the 15th century, after the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, and then from Portugal in 1496. They landed, by and large, on Ireland’s southern coast. As the Inquisition arose to root out and punish Jewish converts to Christianity deemed insincere in their new faith, the story of Ireland’s secret Jews began.

According to Gloria Mound, director of Casa Shalom http://casa-shalom.com/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/and principal speaker at the conference, Ireland seems to have offered a relatively convenient refuge for persecuted Marranos fleeing the Inquisition. “As one looks at the geographical location of the country and takes into account the Jewish persecutions in Spain and Portugal, it can easily be seen that there must have been times when the Irish shores held easier escape possibilities than elsewhere. We know by the family names that the first Irish synagogues were formed by Sephardim. Other secret Jews arrived later," Mound says, "disguised as Huguenots—French Protestants—another persecuted minority fleeing from Catholic France." She notes the graves of two members of the Labato family, known Jews and purveyors to the army of King William of Orange, in the small recently restored Huguenot cemetery in Cork.

In addition, Mound says, “It’s almost certain that when the Spanish Armada foundered on the west coast of Ireland in 1588, there were Marranos amongst the crews who managed to save themselves, and they sent for their families. And possibly it is from that time that you get Jewish-sounding names like Donlevy, Castle, Castillio, Medina, Saunders and Levi. Amazingly, there always seems to have been somebody who kept the family histories.”

While England, Ireland’s ruler, periodically mistreated Jews—subjecting them to a bloody pogrom in 1190, expelling them in 1290, readmitting them later, but imposing numerous restrictions—Ireland remained tolerant and permitted its Jews to live and worship more or less openly as Jews. Not surprisingly, many secret Jews rejoined their co-religionists and became part of the local Jewish communities.

Others, however, did not. Says Mound, “It would seem that in the ensuing centuries, secret Jews often lived outwardly a Christian life, but in a number of places they went to rather isolated places and lived as clans, making little or no attempt to be part of the synagogue or a community.”

This desire to remain separate is reflected in a story related to Mound in a letter from the descendent of one such family whose records in Ireland go back to the year 1520. “When the clan came to Ireland, they would not let the Jews stay in cities overnight, so the clan became mobile, living in horse-drawn caravans, going from town to town, selling livestock, mostly horses. Later, the ban against Jews in cities was lifted, but by then the clan said, ‘No thanks.’ There was some intermarriage from outside after conversion, but generally the clan was very strict, and very clannish.”  The family followed Sephardic customs, had little or no contact with the later-arriving Ashkenazi Jews, and mostly emigrated from Ireland during and after the potato famine of the 1840s.

Some families of secret Jews have remained secret to the present day, often only vaguely aware of, or even denying outright, their Jewish heritage and ancestry. Mound cites the history of one such family, furnished by an informant from the U.S. state of Colorado, who asks that his present surname remain secret. The family emigrated from Ireland to the United States through Ellis Island, settled, developed businesses and became prosperous. They also brought with them certain odd family traditions that later intrigued one member of the family enough to want to uncover the reason why no one was allowed to delve into the family’s past.

To all outward appearances they were Protestant Irish, though they never went to church except for funerals and weddings. They were not considered religious Christians, but Christians nevertheless. Yet their idiosyncratic traditions included elaborate family meals on Friday nights, with the lighting of candles and a prayer. They ate no pork or shellfish, avoided mixing meat and milk, and circumcised all male children.

Driven by curiosity, the family member decided to start by investigating the claim that the family was from among Ireland’s so-called “black Irish”. That was how the family explained their black hair color and the often appearing “hooked” nose. He was immediately told by his relatives that it was the family’s tradition not to discuss their life in Ireland or their ancestry. He was advised that it was important to focus on the present and not the past.

Unsatisfied, he traced the surnames in the family and discovered that his ancestors had come from Portugal and arrived in Ireland’s south coast in 1496. They had changed their Spanish surname to its Anglo-Irish equivalent. Thus Castillo became Castle, enabling the family to leave their Iberian background behind and hide the Jewish identity that had caused them to be stigmatized and persecuted by the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal.

The now rapt investigator discovered that the family had gradually left the south of Ireland, choosing to move north to the more Protestant areas of the island. They had apparently wanted to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the Catholics who had made their lives Hell in Spain and Portugal.

Having unequivocally determined that his and his family’s forebears had been secret Jews, the man had  announced his discovery at a family gathering in New Jersey. His shocked relatives had summarily declared that he was crazy, warned family members to avoid him, and effectively expelled him from the family. He remains ostracized by them to this day.

Mound concluded her remarks at the conference on Ireland’s secret Jews by noting that much more research and investigation remains to be done, “as more and more young people, descendents of these secret Jewish families, desire to come and live here in Israel, and to finally, after many generations, come out of the closet. In addition, I think that many of the people in Ireland today who spout anti-Israel policies may well find that they themselves have Jewish connections to be proud of.”

Creator of ‘Little Women’ never wrote about her Jewish heritage 

AS A YOUNGSTER, classic children’s story writer Louisa May Alcott was often told that her dark eyes and dark hair came from her Sephardic Jewish ancestry. Her mother, who had similar coloring, had gleaned this from her father, a Boston businessman whose Portugese Jewish ancestors had migrated to Sussex, England, in about 1500. The family remained in the UK for more than a century before becoming prosperous enough to afford to leave for America in the Great Migration. They settled in Massachusetts, and although Louisa eventually became famous for writing ‘Little Women’, she never put pen to paper about her Jewish heritage. Neither did she ever visit her ancestral homeland of Portugal. The bust of Louisa May Alcott (above) was cast in 1967 from an 1891 original by Frank Edwin Elwell.

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Jason Darrow
I find it interesting that if many anti-Jewish people would look into their heritage they would very possibly find they are descended from Jewish ancestry or at least from the lost tribes of Israel. There are ten other tribes that were not Judah or Levi and many authorities believe they went to the British Isles and then to America. There is a reason why many kings of north west Europe have the Lion of Judah on their shields.
Ben Leeman
The Leeman family of Armagh were crypto Jews who settled there in the 1640's. They were from Alsace. Leeman is a corruption of the Low German words that mean lion man, from the tribe of the lion (Judah). In 1916 a Jewish family in Belfast tried to "out" them.
Sheila O'Connell
Hi Dr. Hoffman, Do you have a list to the names of Crypto Jews in Ireland. My mother's people are from Mayo. We're Catholic and I hold Irish and America citizenship. I had my mtdna done by Nat Geo and I end up mtdna J1b1, J1c and J2. So it looks like my mother's line is Jewish. I do have memories of the grant aunts telling me that I am a Jew "turned inside out". They were Rush and Griffin from Mayo. Blessings, Sheila
Interesting article. I'm Irish and recently had a DNA test done, where I discovered that I have Jewish ancestry on both sides - I was quite surprised! We wondered where we got the dark hair, sallow skin and dark eyes from and I had people ask me before if I was Jewish. A lot of the family can't tolerate pork also, so maybe that explains it! It seems it could be a hundred or more years back, so it's amazing how genetic features can prevail. Interestingly; the Stone of Scone / Stone of Destiny (which British Monarch's use for Coronations) was brought to Scotland by the Irish. Testing has revealed that they believe it was brought to Ireland from the Dead Sea region, so there have been Israelis and Jews migrating to Ireland for millennia.
Micheal McLoughlin
The Jews of Ireland most likely were NOT covered by the 1290 expulsion order from England, for two reasons: 1) The King of England, as Lord (*not* king) of Ireland, and the English government only ruled the immediate area around Dublin; they did *not* control any other part of the island prior to the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547); 2) England never applied its laws and decrees outside of England itself unless a specific external territory was mentioned in the Act of Parliament or decree. Even Wales retained a completely separate system of law and administration - until the formal constitutional annexation of Wales during the reign of Henry VIII (accomplished in two steps, in 1535 and 1542). England has always been disinclined to care about anywhere else but England - which partly explains why they had a referendum on independence in Scotland last year. So it's highly *likely* that Ireland was one of the places to which English Jews fled in 1290. (Scotland *certainly* was!) Once they were out of England, the English would not have cared where we were as long as we did not pose any potential threat to them. Otherwise, Ireland would have been a perfect place for Jews fleeing England because, as noted, English rule in Ireland never extended beyond Dublin - the English just did not settle there - prior to Henry VIII naming himself King of Ireland in 1542; by which time Ireland had its own Parliament that was fully independent of the English Parliament. It was not until the union of 1801 that the whole of Ireland came under control from London, with the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland - and that last barely more than a century. So, when the Jews were expelled from England in 1290, Ireland was very likely one of the places we went (though Scotland and France were closer). And even if the English had bothered to come after us, which they never did, we could simply have moved beyond the Pale of English Settlement (i.e. the Dublin area), where the English never went and where there were plenty of native Gaelic Irish who would have been *more* than happy to lend a hand to anyone fleeing from "na Sasanaigh".
-My mother often spoke of her Irish heritage- my mother, my grandmother and her children were all redheads or blondes with blue/green eyes. They were short and round with bubbly personalities. There was one exception , my mother's grandmother - Grandma Hicks- she was tall , thin, dark hair and eyes with a very serious outlook on life though kind. My mother would laugh as she spoke of her peculiarities- Grandma Hicks would only allow people to call her " black Irish" not just Irish- and would insist she was different than the rest. She taught her grandchildren to love and support the Jewish people. My mother spoke often of her to me because she always said I reminded her of Grandma Hicks - Irish complexion with dark eyes and a hooked nose and serious since a small child. My daughter has the same features. She was stopped on the street once by a complete stranger and was told " You're black Irish you know ! She looks as Jewish as me !
Jason Leeman
My father, Roger, grew up in Northern Ireland so I suspect that he hails from the family that the poster above, Ben Leeman, alludes to. Down the years I have questioned him on the Leeman family name but sadly he could (or wouldn't) provide any details. My mother is Catholic, Brazier, and we were raised as Catholics. I am however most intrigued by my possible Jewish heritage. Rather humorously as a child one day I sat down to choose a Premier League football team. For some reason I chose Tottenham Hotspur. Only later in life did I find out that they have very very strong Jewish connections.
I have Jewish/Irish ancestry on my mother's side too . I have always had a deep love of israel.
Paul Conroy
The article mentions that: "Other secret Jews arrived later," Mound says, "disguised as Huguenots—French Protestants—another persecuted minority fleeing from Catholic France." She notes the graves of two members of the Labato family, known Jews and purveyors to the army of King William of Orange, in the small recently restored Huguenot cemetery in Cork." Few people know that Labatt Beer in Canada was founded by an Irish Huguenot from County Laois - my home country. So may be related to the Labato family. I have Sephardic Jewish relatives in many places in South America, and some Ashkenazi Jewish relatives in Belarus, Romania and Russia and have Huguenot ancestry - so that may be the connection.
Our family history is very similar to that of the New Jersey man, except that the discovery that we are Jews was received with awe and excitement. My first time at a synagogue for a Pesach celebration came with many tears, sobs and expectations. My sisters and I commented that it felt like we were finally home!!!
John Rowe
All my life I celebrated my Irish ancestry, however people always told me I looked Spanish or Portuguese. A few years ago I did a geographical DNA test, and to my surprise it came back as having Spanish and Portuguese bloodlines. I then started digging into my family's genealogy and discovered my Irish family was from Cork. Eventually they emigrated to Philadelphia. Supposedly my family was Irish Catholic, but I never seen anyone practicing. I often wonder if this coud be a front of some kind. Where do I go from here?
Bernard Leeman
The Leeman family of Armagh were secret Jews from Alsace who came to Ulster around 1640 durng the 30 years war. They were "outed" in 1916 by the Goldring family of Belfast
Jane de Vries
I have 2 Irish parents and converted to Judaism 25 years ago. But could I possibly be a crypto Jew? My aunt, of blessed memory, thought there were Jews on my Mother's side. How can I find more about this?
Moshe Villiers
My family, the Villiers, are from Co. Armagh in Northern Ireland. They hail from France in the 1660's. They left because of religious persecution and were Huguenots but oral tradition in the family is that we were originally Jewish. I returned to Judaism officially several years ago and never looked back since. This article is fascinating and if anyone has any more information I would really appreciate it.
Gerard Coen
My family are Coens - notice the distinct lack of a H. We have dark black hair and swarthy appearance and I can pass for Spanish or Mediterranean easier than Irish any day. We have a family 'story' that says we come from Jews from the South of Spain but it is simply not spoken about, I still feel like today neither my family nor my father's fit into modern Irish culture - why are we so different. I'm trying currently trying to look into further and hoping to find a connection that has been lost for far too long.
Helen Duck
Ben Leeman, I read your comment. We may be related. My mother’s maiden name was Leeman. She was from County Armagh. Her brother’s name was John Leeman. She grew up in Killylea, Co Armagh. I am very interested in my heritage. I do not know their dates of birth.
I was wondering if Dr. Hoffman knows any details about shepardic jews that migrated to the Philippines from Spain back in 1492 or earlier? primarily surnames Belber (Belver) and Torres? Belber of Spain through Hamburg (possibly), and Torres mixed with Philippino or N. Korean through California (possibly), settled in Puerto Rico late 1800's. On the other side of my ancestry fam tree, Any information about Solivans who are from Ireland but living in Denmark, who migrated also to Puerto Rico. They were Catolics but also on the Jew database for prisoners at concentration camps. Any surname interchange from Collan derrriv. from Escalante or Colon near towns of Argyllshire, Craignish, Scotland that might have Spanish roots? (my dna match 4 from this area, my surname is Colon). That side of the family had light blue eyes and blond hair. Just as with Mr. Castillo's family, talking about having shepardic desc. is still a taboo and the secret is tight, the family is the first to remind you how important it is not to show any sign of knowledge, yet, they give you hints, such as letting you read poems or cantos about expulsion from Spain or "Madre Patria" from notebooks, instruct you to"avoid drawing star of David, it draws attention", etc. etc. Maybe they are right. I just want to learn about the origins.
Andrew Correll
I am an Australian with mixed European ancestry. My surname was supposedly of Huguenots origin but Correll worldwide have a strong oral tradition that the family originated from the Navarre region. My grandfather told me of our origin. They left Navarre area roughly 500 years ago and settled in France. They become Huguenots but had to move on to Germany then were scattered all over the world. My family went to Ireland and then during 1850s they migrated to Australia! My grandfather have a peculiar habit that he does not eat pork and eats only fish on Friday night. I have been trying to connect between Irish Correll and Spanish Correll though the name spelling may vary!
Mike hayes
An Intrigueing article. I have no hard evidence at all, but on my moms side of the family, there is a story relating to a certain spaniard or at least an Iberian in our family history. This would have been around the 1500's or so. Also there is a darkness of complexion etc on her side, and I'm wondering if there is a Sephardic connection. As I say, there are no records, no surnames, only Spanish forenames. As with most Irish people, I'm sure I'm a hodge podge anyway! But I'm suspecting there's more to the picture than I'm aware.

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Carl Hoffman

Carl Hoffman grew up in Boston and was educated in New York and Philadelphia. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania, and has lived among headhunting groups in ...

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