Left: Giving is the greatest reward .ESRA presenting knitted items to hospitals
Right: Children Wearing their beautiful sweaters
crafted by ESRA's Rishon LeZion knitters

Somebody once asked me, “Do you like to knit?” to which I replied, “Not if you want to wear it!” because my knitting skills are as tragic as my non-existent gardening abilities. But thank heavens there are those who not only love knitting and crocheting but are also highly talented in these creative crafts. Their finished products are invariably spectacular and delightful, leaving someone like myself in constant awe of their handiwork and their dexterity.

Knitting it seems is back in vogue, it’s hip, no more just the hobby of grannies and old ladies but rather the in-thing because of its many benefits. In fact, we might even say that it’s the new yoga. Mobile phones and computers have their advantages, but they are addictive. Knitting offers a peaceful and meditative alternative. It gets people away from social media and into social circles where they can truly relax – just like yoga. 

And ESRA is providing a welcome framework for this rewarding activity where knitting groups are opening in more and more branches around the country. The first knitting group started in Raanana. Another old and steadfast knitting group is in ESRA Rishon LeZion where the ladies present hundreds of jerseys and cardigans to needy youngsters every year. Through other branches, ESRA’s knitters happily create a huge selection of items for all ages and objectives, from hats, scarves and gloves to sweaters, blankets, dolls and toys. Whatever the article, they are all lovingly crafted for their recipients whether they be in hospitals, senior homes, lone soldier corps, or distressed families.

Just recently, I was the courier for delivery of three large bags of gorgeous knitted items crafted by ESRA's Knitting and Crocheting Circle in Modiin. Not for the first time, the group had faithfully knitted hats, blankets, soft toys and jackets in bright colors for the preemies and newborns hospitalized at Schneider Children's Medical Center in Petach Tikva. Every item was literally a joy to behold. Although only the courier in this case, I was immensely proud to be part of this grand pastime that brings so much joy to everyone involved.

If you would like to join any one of the established knitting groups* or start your own ESRA Knitters, please contact the National Office at 09 950 8371 for further information. They will be happy to click you in!

*Five Towns, Modiin, Netanya, Petach Tikva, Raanana,
  Rishon LeZion, Tel Aviv, Tiberias

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Cynthia Barmor

Cynthia came on Aliyah from Cape Town, South Africa on Nov.10th, 1968. She is a high school graduate and has a diploma in Diagnostic Radiography. In south Africa she worked as a Radiographer at Gro...

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