ESRAmagazine photo contest: terms and conditions

1. Email your photograph to so that we can consider it for publication, together with a brief explanation of what inspired you to take the picture. 

2. The theme and details for each competition is printed in the latest issue of ESRAmagazine.

3. Send only one photograph for each theme. Emails with multiple attachments will be deleted.

4. If you are under 16 you must check that your parent or guardian agrees that you submit your picture. You must provide your name, age, address and the name, contact telephone number and email address of your parent or guardian. We require the consent in writing (including email) of the parent or guardian of the author of a photograph who is under 16 years of age in order to publish that photograph and the author's name, age and town or city of residence. 

5. By submitting your photograph for publication you represent and warrant that it is your own original work, is not copied, and does not contain any third-party materials and/or content that you do not have permission to use. You further warrant and represent that your photograph is not obscene, defamatory or in breach of any applicable legislation or regulations. 

6. Photographs are selected for publication at the sole discretion of the ESRAmagazine photo contest team. 

7. By submitting a photograph you: a) give us permission to publish it in ESRAmagazine and on and our Facebook;  b) grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to republish it in any format including without limitation in print and electronic formats; c) you give us permission to use your name and place of residence (and age if you are under 16) for the purpose of identifying you as the author of your photograph.

8. We may cut, edit, crop or arrange your photograph or graphic as we think fit to appear in print and on our website, and we may remove your photograph or graphics at any time. Your name will be published alongside your photograph or graphic, but we may edit or delete any comments which you submit along with your photograph or graphic. 

9. We are not responsible for photographs that are lost, delayed, misdirected or incomplete or cannot be delivered for any technical or other reason. To the extent permitted by law we shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from submission or publication of your photograph.

10. ESRAmagazine has the right to cancel the contest at any time.

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ESRAmagazine documents and illustrates the life of the English-speaking community in Israel. It keeps readers in touch with the community, with each other, and involves them in life in Israel. Cont...

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