This past week, July 25th to be exact, Piers Coleman passed away. A very moving funeral ceremony was held at the cemetery in Even Yehuda, the place where he lived, and home also to his unique antique shop that he ran with his beloved wife Rosi.

Piers Coleman enjoyed every facet of life - he loved music, art, antiques, the English language, especially people and above all his family. He cared deeply about all the injustices he saw around him.

Piers came on aliyah in 1953 and settled at Kibbutz Amiad. A Dubliner straight from a James Joyce novel, he could spin a yarn that would keep you interested for many an hour. His humor brought delight to all those who had the privilege to be a party to it.

In the early 60s, on a visit to England, Piers met and married Rosi, and together they returned to Israel and began married life, first in Haifa and then in Raanana where they opened their first antique shop. During this time they became the official appraisers of the many treasures ESRA’s Second Hand Shop received during the reign of our beloved Motti Weiner, volunteer director of the shop. The Colemans were very much appreciated as volunteers for the shop, and Motti also counted them as friends. It is for so many reasons that we honor his memory and know that he will not be forgotten.

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Phyllis Bloch

Phyllis Bloch was born in Brooklyn, New York. She studied at Mills College of Education and received a degree in Early Childhood education. Her Masters degree was from Queens College, majoring in spec...

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