The statistics for drinking alcohol, in research for the Israel Anti-Drug Authority (IADA), as well as the depressing reality that has come to our attention after visiting public locations where youth gather reveal that excessive drinking is NOT a minor nor a rare phenomenon. Slowly but surely local and national governmental bodies are starting to enact laws and regulations to limit this excessive drinking. It is obvious that these restrictions and laws by themselves will not solve nor limit this excessive drinking and that what is needed is a whole new paradigm to deal with this serious problem.

Drugs no, Alcohol yes

The parental response to this dangerous phenomenon is surprising. While young people risk their lives to drink alcohol, the parents don't always know, and when they do it isn't a surprise to them. While the reaction by parents to drug use is very strong, the reaction to drinking alcohol is much milder. This is partly due to the fact that drinking alcohol is legal and partly because it's part of the culture. However turning a blind eye to this problem will not resolve it. Alcohol is a drug that depresses the central nervous system which is responsible for the well being of the human body. This also includes depressing the respiratory system which causes fainting and serious risk of life. 

The negative effects do not end here. Drinking alcohol also attacks the liver as well the brain, because these organs cannot absorb large amounts of alcohol. The results of this drinking culture are apparent everyday in the media. The stabbings, the fighting, the violence have all become more and more frequent.

So where are the parents ?

Alcohol is a drug and just as with drugs, excessive drinking is strongly connected to a person's self esteem.

To be sure, parenting is very complicated and very challenging, filled with frustration, responsibility, pride and concern. We can't always help, but we cannot abandon our responsibility to our children.

Parental involvement as opposed to enacting laws is far more productive and helpful in the excessive use of hard beverages by our youth. Involvement and education about various addictions will help our children tenfold.

Al Sam - the anti drug and alcohol organization stands ready to advise and consult parents and children. This Anti Drug Abuse organization now runs 15 branches throughout Israel, employing professional teams of social workers and therapists who are dedicated to helping these young people return to a normal and fulfilling way of life.

All meetings are strictly confidential and are available at no cost to the public.

For details in strictest confidence please call 1599-595909 or visit our website

Ronit Ben Ephraim is the director of the therapeutic program ALSAM.

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mother to a young teenager
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About the author

Ronit Ben Ephraim

Ronit is the manager of the therapeutic program at ALSAM Alsam is an anti drug and alcohol abuse organization which was set up to provide help and treatment for children and young people up to the a...

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