For the past few months house parties for the Ethiopian Embroidery Project have been held in all parts of the Sharon area. They have been a new and fantastic way of bringing our unique and beautiful products to a wide and varied audience. The parties have been hosted by very special people who have opened their homes and hearts in support of the project.

The first party was held at the home of Avril Weinstein in Herzliya Pituach. It was the first time two Ethiopian women joined the event and were able to share their stories and expertise in embroidery with a most interested audience. This was a groundbreaker for us and we have continued to have some Ethiopian women present at each of the parties.

I would like to acknowledge all of the women who have hosted these events: Susan Kurnedz, Netanya; Rifka Hadas, Tel Aviv; Debbie Adiv,  Herzliya; Irene Myron, Herzliya; Ruth Ritterband, Herzliya; Lynn Pressman, Tel Aviv; Susan Dilles, American Embassy at the home of Sali Ariel in Herzliya.

As we are now preparing products for the forthcoming New Year, may I please ask any of you reading this note who would be willing to host such a “party” at your home to  contact me at 054 6370 586 or ESRA office 09 950 8371.

All that is needed are just 10 or more women, coffee and tea. We do all the rest.



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Phyllis Bloch

Phyllis Bloch was born in Brooklyn, New York. She studied at Mills College of Education and received a degree in Early Childhood education. Her Masters degree was from Queens College, majoring in spec...

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