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Hands on + non manipulative

One of the most scientifically validated & effective complementary health therapies

What is Osteopathy? 

When someone is asked if they know what osteopathy is, most people will immediately reply that they know it is related to “bones”, because it sounds like “osteo”….porosis.  It is surprising that so few people actually know what osteopathy is in Israel and other countries, even though this form of complementary therapy was developed in the 1870s, by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, from Missouri, USA.

This form of therapy is recognized throughout the world as one of the most scientifically validated and effective “complementary” therapies. The World Health Organization, as well as the British Medical Association recognize the osteopathic concept of somatic dysfunction as being scientifically proven.  In Australia, as well as in the UK and many other countries, osteopaths are registered practitioners who have five years full-time university training. In Israel there are only 14 registered osteopaths who are members of the Israeli Osteopathic Association.

Osteopathy is best known for the treatment of a wide variety of musculoskeletal problems, but also plays a major role in the management of a number of other conditions. The most common complaints for which patients consult osteopaths include back and neck pain, scoliosis, whiplash, migraines and headaches, sciatica, pains in peripheral joints such as shoulders (frozen shoulders), knees and ankles, tendonitis and muscle strains and sports injuries, to name but a few.

 However, osteopathy can also play a significant role in pain management in arthritic conditions, and when used in conjunction with medical treatment, proves most beneficial in reducing the severity of the symptoms. Osteopathy helps to alleviate the symptoms of asthma and chronic fatigue, as well as a host of other ailments. Mothers-to-be find that osteopathic treatment reduces lower back pain during pregnancy and can assist in preparing the body for birth. In addition, gentle non-manipulative sacrocranial techniques are used on infants and small children suffering from problems such as forceps birth, colic, scoliosis, glue ear.

What does the osteopathic treatment consist of?

Osteopathy is one of the first professions to incorporate biomechanical analysis of how injuries occur and what the secondary effects are likely to be.

For example, a patient with a knee injury will approach an osteopath who will not only examine and treat the knee but will also assess the injury to determine which tissues in the knee are injured. He will also check the involvement of the areas mechanically involved with the knee, such as the foot, hip, lower back and pelvis, for example.  Osteopathy is a hands-on, non-manipulative therapy which reaches the root of the pain and the points of radiation. Depending on the severity of the problem and the history, an assessment is made on the initial visit to determine the possible length of treatments required. A chronic problem would most obviously require more treatments, but generally some relief will be felt in a short time. Maintenance is recommended after the series of treatments for follow-up and prevention.

Osteopaths believe that the key to preventing health problems from returning lies in increasing the patients’ awareness of the cause of the problems and giving them the help they need to take responsibility for their own health.

As with most complementary medical practitioners, the osteopaths’ approach is holistic, encouraging patients to become actively involved in the healing process which is hastened by focusing on personal responsibility and by looking at life-style factors such as poor nutrition, smoking, physical fitness, anxiety and stress, home and work environment. 

This holistic approach accepts the interdependence of physical and emotional factors for well-being and the integration of mind, body and spirit as well as the patient’s environment.

Stephen Schwartz, Doctor of Osteopathy, Sacro-Cranial Specialist and Naturopath, has lived and worked as an osteopath in the UK, New Zealand and Australia, practicing for over 30 years, and is now a member of the Israeli Osteopathic Association.









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Stephen Schwartz

Stephen Schwartz has practiced in London, New Zealand, Australia and now in Israel, where he has been living since the year 2000. He is also a lecturer of Animal Osteopathy at Wingate Institute. St...

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