What is Osteopathy?

Surprisingly, many people in Israel are unfamiliar with osteopathic therapy, as there are not many certified osteopaths in Israel. Osteopathy is very popular in Europe, the USA and Australia. Dr. Andrew Still from the USA, was founder of this therapy in 1821.

In short, osteopathy is a whole body (holistic) system of therapy which alleviates and treats many problems in the young (from infancy through sacro-cranial therapy) to the elderly. Osteopathy can alleviate chronic and acute pain such as with arthritis, spinal and back pain, sports injuries, sciatica, jaw misalignment, and headaches and migraines, to name but a few.

Headaches & Migraines

So many people suffer from headaches and migraines. They stem from a variety of causes. Some of the main triggers can be tension, hormonal imbalance, PMS, poor nutrition, pollution. Foods too can exacerbate the existing pain or trigger a headache or migraine, such as chocolate, MSG additive, and artificial sweeteners and food coloring, or alcohol and smoking.

Upon initial examination, and a review of the patient’s history, a trained osteopath can quite accurately diagnose the cause or root of the problem. Some headaches/migraines can be caused by chronic misalignment of the neck and jaw. Others can stem from arthritic changes or excessive salt intake. There are many causes and triggers, too many to name.

 Those chronic sufferers would usually eventually end up at a neurologist seeking strong medication. The pain is so severe and debilitating that one will seek whatever relief is available and fast.

Osteopathy can help prevent and alleviate pain through hands-on therapy only without medication.

On the initial visit, an assessment of the patient’s condition is made prior to hands-on therapy. An evaluation of the situation will advise the patient of the treatment involved. Nutritional advice is dispensed as it plays a major role in the triggers and causes of headaches and migraines.

Stephen Schwartz has been practicing osteopathy and sacro-cranial work for over 30 years.

For further information on osteopathy logon to www.stephen.co.il

Stephen Schwartz was born in London and made aliyah in 2000. He studied osteopathy and qualified at the British Naturopathic & Osteopathic College in 1969. A few years later he completed an additional degree course on craniosacral therapy. Schwartz established clinics in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. In Australia he worked in close conjunction with the Australian Brain Foundation, where traditional medicine meets complementary medicine. After years of experience he has created his unique style of osteopathic therapy, treating arthritic conditions, migraines, headaches, etc.

Printed below is an unsolicited letter sent to Dr. Steven Schwartz:

“In my work in computers, it is commonplace for me to kneel down on stone floors to get behind a computer and mess around with the wiring. Two years ago, without apparent reason, I suddenly felt a pain in my knee like someone had knifed me. It was excruciating and I could not put any weight on the knee. The customer whose computer I was working on was quite concerned and I did my best to soldier on and hoped that it would go away. The only time my knee hurt like that was when I tried to put my weight on it in kneeling position. The daily treadmill routine and walking or driving, had no ill effects on me at all.

 I am not a very good patient and do not know the last time I saw my doctor so I not surprisingly, didn't go to the doctor then either. Instead, I spoke to a friend who cycles a lot and who knows what knee pain is (and shoulder pain, come to that) and he sent me to Dr. Stephen Schwartz, assuring me that I would not need to go under the knife if there was another way. He told me how Dr. Schwartz had saved him from an operation on his shoulder because he is a proficient osteopath and understood the problem my friend was facing.

 I went to see Dr. Schwartz a total of five times and during the visits continued my daily treadmill routine without any adverse effects on my knee. Indeed, other than kneeling, it was fine. I could twist, turn and whatever else I needed to do, but I just couldn't place any weight on my knee.

 At each session, Dr. Schwartz had a routine and when he was about to hurt me he told me so and sure enough, he did. It was necessary as part of the treatment and as soon as he had hurt me he immediately rebuilt my confidence by making the pain disappear as quickly as he had produced it.

At the fifth and final session he asked me if I had tried to put weight on my knee since I had started the treatments and I said no. With total confidence, he said "Well don't you think it's about time you did?" With some trepidation, I slowly, gently, kneeled down and very slowly let my entire bodyweight be supported by my knee.

The rest is history. The story is two years old and Dr. Schwartz hasn't seen me in his professional capacity ever since.

Thank you Stephen and thank you John, for recommending him.

Jeremy Wallach

Kfar Saba 

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About the author

Stephen Schwartz

Stephen Schwartz has practiced in London, New Zealand, Australia and now in Israel, where he has been living since the year 2000. He is also a lecturer of Animal Osteopathy at Wingate Institute. St...

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