"I volunteer at a school in Lod," said David, "in the program for the regeneration of the city."
The English Teaching Project, ‘Yes We Can’, is aimed at every child and adult in the city of Lod in an effort improve their English, opening doors to further education and employment opportunities.
David continued: "One sixteen-year-old is truly outstanding. She is going to be a doctor. She would really benefit from regular conversations in English. Maybe one of the volunteers in ESRA would be willing to hold conversation sessions with her – by phone." Great idea!
I put it to volunteers who participate in the English for Schools program in Tel Aviv. Nina, who used to go to a school near her home every week to participate in the program, has been unable to do so for some time now, and was missing the experience. She jumped at the chance to ‘return to work’ in this novel way.
Sojod, the student from Lod, calls Nina several times a week, for a 20 minute chat. Nina is thrilled to be ‘back in business’, speaking English with an enthusiastic student, learning about her life and aspirations, exchanging stories, getting to know each other across a gap of age, culture and physical distance, by the simple means of a phone call. Nina says this has put a sparkle back in her eye. And Sojod is enjoying the experience and gaining confidence in her spoken English.
You can imagine Nina’s surprise when an email arrived from David, with a Youtube clip showing none other than Sojod herself addressing the Prime Minister and Education Minister when they paid a visit to Lod in May this year. You too can see her in the first two minutes of this clip: http://www.youtube.com:80/watch?v=M4dVjoqa9qE
During the next school year 2011-2012 we shall introduce and expand this exciting new concept. We have already found this to be the perfect solution for others, not necessarily schoolchildren, who have approached ESRA requesting assistance with spoken English, and we are considering using Skype for the purpose.

If you would like to participate in ESRA ENGLISH BY PHONE please contact Gill Teicher, Coordinator, ESRA English for Schools gillit@zahav.net.il


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Gill Teicher

Gill Teicher came to Israel in 1972 from London, England. She worked for TWA and travel related companies. Gill is responsible for Esra`s English for Schools program. ...

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