A tool to organize body movement in the most effective and efficient way, and therefore be suitable as a way of life

The Feldenkrais Method is a cutting edge approach to movement which transforms the lives of children and adults by helping them move beyond pain and limitation.The method helps to discover how to improve mind and body, enhancing physical, cognitive, emotional and creative performance.

It is named after Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), an engineer, physicist and judo teacher. His keen interest in human movement and anatomy, and a debilitating knee injury from which he cured himself, brought about this fascinating method of movement.

He pioneered a learning system; exercises that use awareness of self and a variety of movements to bring about remarkable changes in body and mind.

The premise of the method is that the way we move reflects and expresses our inner emotional and mental world. We respond bodily to events and experiences in our lives, and store trauma within our nervous system.

Along with that, Feldenkrais realized, while healing himself, that rather than focusing only on muscles and tendons associated with his injury, it was his brain that needed help in finding new ways to organize his body so that he could walk again. His method was born as he re-educated his brain to change the pattern and habits of moving that had contributed to his injury. He understood long before it was generally accepted that the human brain can change throughout life - what we call today brain plasticity - and that movement is the essence of human life.

We each have our own unique way of moving, which is why we are able to recognize someone walking towards us from a distance. Our movement pattern is heavily engrained in us and the use of movement, therefore, is a powerful way to communicate with the brain in order to bring about change and improvement.

In Feldenkrais the work involves eliminating movement patterns that may cause pain and injury, and finding, through the sensory experience of the lesson, a movement that is fluent, easy and more efficient - a movement that serves its purpose without excess effort. We all recognize patterns of over-hunching our backs and straining our necks when sitting at our desks, clutching at the wheel whilst driving, clenching and grinding teeth, breathing in a shallow way, or grabbing too powerfully at a bow when playing the violin. These are all habits of moving which may cause headaches, backaches, RSI or joint pain and more uncomfortable sensations, and can be addressed and relearned in the lessons.

There are two modalities in the method. The first is called Awareness through Movement, and is a verbally guided lesson taught to individuals or to a group of any size. Each lesson focuses on improving a certain movement or skill. We look at bending, twisting or reaching within the context of the body as a whole. The lesson is a sequence of movements that are explored in a person's own rhythm and ability. By engaging one's curiosity, attention and thinking ability a new coordination and a harmony are discovered. The lesson takes you beyond your habits and helps release chronic patterns of tension and create new movement possibilities.

The second is Functional Integration which is an individual 'one on one' lesson which is customized according to the person's need. It is designed to bring about change through touch and sensory experience of the movement.

Practising the Feldenkrais Method provides a tool to access one's own health and vitality. Anyone can benefit from a lesson - people with spine, back or neck issues or those who suffer from muscle and joint problems, and also people who have difficulty walking or finding balance. It is beneficial to people recovering from orthopedic surgery as well as to people who suffer the effects of stress, insomnia, breathing difficulties and/or anxiety.

The lessons provide improved mobility between the ribcage and throughout the skeleton; they provide a powerful tool to connect to one's body, eliminate pain and provide relaxation. The practise of Feldenkrais is a way of maintaining health and flexibility of both mind and body.

 It is a tool to organize body movement in the most effective and efficient way, and therefore suitable as a way of life. It is compatible with sports and aerobic activities and will assist in restoring flexibility, strength, stamina and energy. Your body will regain vitality which promotes a sense of joy.

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Enat Meir

Enat Meir, a teacher and practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method has been practicing for over 23 years. She recently moved back to Tel Aviv after having spent over 20 years in London. Enat teaches a...

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