Horses for courses . . . learning to ride at the center and (below) handing out the rosettes


Vibrant, exciting time for therapy center

THE YEAR 2012 was a vibrant and interesting one for the Magal Riding Therapy Center, and it is important for us to share some photos and experiences with you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank ESRA for its partnership in this wonderful enterprise since its founding. The center has about 30 physically disabled children and youth from the surrounding Arab and Jewish communities. A group of six children aged five have recently joined us and have been integrated into all the activities offered. For this group of of little ones, we have employed a helper who accompanies them throughout the activities.

A group of 10 teenagers were given professional training in working with the dogs and the horses. After a year of intense training, both in dog-training and horse-riding, they have begun to teach the group of younger children. Many of the children participate in national equestrian competitions held periodically at the center. There was another exciting riding competition held in March, and the youngsters were thrilled to take part. I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to ESRA’s Deborah Asmara who has continued to volunteer at the center since its inception. Recently, she was hired as coordinator of a new center opened by the association.


Shani Achdut is the Director of ‘Amitim’ –Magal Riding Therapy Center, Kibbutz Magal 
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