A young Chavruta boy learning

Did you just make aliyah? Or are you an English speaker living in Israel?

Are you overwhelmed with the culture, the lack of community? Do you want to feel more connected to your heritage, roots, Zionism?

We are here to help you feel at home in your homeland.

JLP – Jewish Learning Partners, the English Chavruta program, started in November 2012 to assist those who want to learn about Judaism. It allows people to turn to their Chavruta with questions while feeling comfortable with an English speaker.

We are here to help you find the answers you were looking for with no need to sit in a classroom. You can enrich your knowledge at your own convenience and in the comfort of your home. You can learn Jewish text or any other related topic of your choice with a partner, on the phone, FREE, with no commitment or obligation.

As of now, Chavruta has 20,000 participants studying in English, Hebrew, Russian and French living in Israel and overseas. They come from all walks of life – academia, doctors, students, professionals, retirees, soldiers.

How does it really work?

Men and women are matched with partners from a religious background to learn Jewish content together. The studying is done once a week over the phone for 20 -30 minutes each session. The 'meeting' is set ahead of time to fit the schedule of both partners.

Who will be my Chavruta partner and how will I know if he or she will have sufficient knowledge to answer my questions?

The religious people taking part in this project are not rabbis or professors, but rather ordinary men and women with great knowledge and the ability to teach and guide. The learning process will allow both of you to learn together. If a question arises that your Chavruta cannot answer he/she will check into it and revisit the topic on your following session.

What are we going to talk about?

You choose.

During the call you may talk about your topic of choice and expand your knowledge of Judaism. You may study any Jewish book, Halachah, Hashkafah, or anything else you wish to learn. We will even mail you, free of charge, any book or article you wish to study.

A group of Chavruta tutors and students

Below are a few testimonials from participants in the 'Chavruta' program:

 “My relationship with my Chavruta has now grown beyond studying; it developed into a strong close friendship.” Orit

 “This meeting between two people from different backgrounds, happening on the basis of mutual respect, is a positive and enjoyable thing. The diversity allows for each partner to bring a unique outlook and experience to the learning process. On top of the studies done I was able to get a firsthand discussion about religious and non-religious issues and understand the other side for its behaviors and lifestyle.” 

OK. I am interested, how do I join? 

Contact us:
073 232 2222

02 580 8867 


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